[linux-sohbet] Re: FootNotes/i18n-party comment


From: Cem Kamil Kulekci (editor@penguen.web.tr)
Date: Mon 05 Jan 2004 - 03:48:26 EST

  • Next message: Tonguç Yumruk: "[linux-sohbet] Re: FootNotes/i18n-party comment"

    Hepsi cok dogru gorunuyor fakat bir nokta disinda, Sitelerin IE
    gozetilerek tasarlanmasi. Ister istemez bunu yapmak zorundasiniz, adam
    binlerce dolar harcayip hazirlattigi sitesinin en fazla kapsama sahip
    browser uzerinde dogru duzgun gorunmemesini goze alir mi dersiniz?

    Ama bir nokta var ki inkar edilemez, microsoft'tan daha microsoft'cu
    olmus bi ulkede yasiyoruz. Insanlara linux dediginizde "bedava iyi ama
    microsoft gibi destegi yok" diyorlar. Bunu soyleyen bir bilgisayar
    yazilim firmas=FDyd=FD hatta. Asl=FDnda belkide omurleri boyunca hic =
    destek servini aramamislardir (ben aramadim isin acigi simdiye kadar
    windows kullandigim donemde) Belki de sorun linux'un biraz ocu
    gosterilmesinden kaynaklaniyor. Mesele oncelikli olarak bu tabulari
    yikmak diye dusunuyorum. Siz ne dersiniz?

    Cem Kamil

    -----Original Message-----
    From: linux-sohbet-bounce@liste.linux.org.tr
    [mailto:linux-sohbet-bounce@liste.linux.org.tr] On Behalf Of Enver ALTIN
    Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 10:26 AM
    To: LKD Linux Sohbet
    Subject: [linux-sohbet] FootNotes/i18n-party comment

    A=FEa=F0=FDdaki, FootNotes(http://www.gnomedesktop.org/)'da Gnome-Turk
    yerelle=FEtirme partisi haberine yorum olarak yaz=FDlm=FD=FEt=FD. =
    Uzaktan bakan
    biri i=E7in fazla hakl=FD de=F0il mi sizce de?


    * * *

    Re: Gnome-Turk i18n party! :-) (Score: 1, Informative)
    by Anonymous George on Monday, January 05 @ 20:18:07 EST

    Exciting news and very good idea. The urls doesn't work though.=20

    Unfortunately Turkey has become more microsoft-dominated than even US.
    Mostly because of the piracy and excellent Microsoft promotion and their
    good support for Turkish. Turkish websites are mostly IE only. Even some
    major news websites depend on VB. Oh, and the government websites.=20

    It is easy to get your hands on windows 2003 advanced server and Visual
    Studio.Net 2003; no wonder there is a high level of adoption of ASP and
    ASP.net among developers.=20

    I have to note that, very recently Php has become somehow popular. maybe
    people got tired of VB at some point.=20

    I am glad that there is an effort to increase awareness of Gnome.
    Probably the best way to promote gnome is through a live CD, much like
    | |
    | | Enver ALTIN (a.k.a. skyblue)
    | | Software developer, IT consultant
    | FRONT |
    |=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D| FrontSITE Bilgi Teknolojisi A.=DE.
    |_____SITE_| http://www.frontsite.com.tr/

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  • Next message: Tonguç Yumruk: "[linux-sohbet] Re: FootNotes/i18n-party comment"


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