[Pardus-kullanicilari] arkadaşlar bana yardımcı olacak varmı

Ahmet Emre Aladağ aladagemre at gmail.com
25 Mar 2007 Paz 22:53:07 EEST

Listede bu konuyla ilgili bir şeyler dönmüştü ama bulamadım şimdi.
Nette şunu buldum: http://linuxgazette.net/107/tomar.html

   - Reboot the system, and when you are at the selection prompt (See
   Fig. 2 below), highlight the line for Linux and press 'e'. You may only have
   2 seconds to do this, so be quick.
   - This will take you to another screen where you should select the
   entry that begins with 'kernel' and press 'e' again.
   - Append ' single' to the end of that line (without the quotes). Make
   sure that there is a space between what's there and 'single'. If your system
   requires you to enter your root password to log into single-user mode, then
   append init=/bin/bash after 'single'. Hit 'Enter' to save the changes.
   - Press 'b' to boot into Single User Mode.
   - Once the system finishes booting, you will be logged in as root. Use
   passwd and choose a new password for root.
   - Type reboot to reboot the system, and you can login with the new
   password you just selected.
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