[Pardus-kullanicilari] Ruby on Rails

Gencer destek at gencerbilgisayar.com
9 Haz 2007 Cmt 15:19:48 EEST

ruby on rails ile ilgili bi sorunum var
gerekli tüm paketleri yüklememe rağmen

/ruby script/server


/./script/../config/boot.rb:29: undefined method `gem' for main:Object 

/        from script/server:2:in `require'/

/        from script/server:2/

bu şekilde bir hata alıyorum. Yanlış bilmiyorsam gerekli tüm gemlerde 

/gem list --local
*** LOCAL GEMS ***/

/actionmailer (1.3.3)/

/    Service layer for easy email delivery and testing./

/actionpack (1.13.3)/

/    Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC./

/actionwebservice (1.2.3)/

/    Web service support for Action Pack./

/activerecord (1.15.3)/

/    Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM./

/activesupport (1.4.2)/

/    Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework./

/rails (1.2.3)/

/    Web-application framework with template engine, control-flow layer,/

/    and ORM./

/rake (0.7.3)/

/    Ruby based make-like utility./

/sources (0.0.1)/

/    This package provides download sources for remote gem installation/

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