[linux-network] Apache server ayarlari


From: tkaraman@ege.ebso.com.tr
Date: Tue 06 Jan 2004 - 08:29:54 EST

  • Next message: Genco YILMAZ: "[linux-network] Re: ***SPAM*** DNS bind"

      Linux Redhat 9.0 kurdum. Redhat ile gelen http server=FD kullan=FDyor=
    um. =20
      Microsoft a=F0=FD =FCzerinden herhangi bir makinadan, browsera =
              =20 yazd=FD=F0=FDmda a=FEa=F0=FDdaki gibi hata ver=
    iyor. Linux =20
      =FCzerindeki sayfalar=FDma eri=FEmem i=E7in ne yapmam gerek ? =
      turgay. =
      -------------------------- =
      While trying to retrieve the URL: =
      The following error was encountered: =
      Connection Failed =
      The system returned: =
      =A0=A0=A0=A0(111) Connection refused =
      The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.=


  • Next message: Genco YILMAZ: "[linux-network] Re: ***SPAM*** DNS bind"


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