[Linux - 450] Re: [Linux - 440] samba kurulumu


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From: Ismail Murat Dilek (cereta@blueyonder.co.uk)
Date: Thu 24 May 2001 - 12:13:24 EEST

istersen benim smb.conf sayfasini incele

; /etc/smb.conf
; Copyright (c) 1999 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany.
   workgroup = workgroup
   guest account = cereta
   encrypt passwords = yes
   keep alive = 30
   os level = 2
   kernel oplocks = false
   security = user

; Uncomment the following, if you want to use an existing
; NT-Server to authenticate users, but don't forget that
; you also have to create them locally!!!
; security = server
; password server =
; encrypt passwords = yes

   printing = bsd
   printcap name = /etc/printcap
   load printers = yes

   socket options = TCP_NODELAY

   map to guest = Bad User

; Uncomment this, if you want to integrate your server
; into an existing net e.g. with NT-WS to prevent nettraffic
; local master = no

; Please uncomment the following entry and replace the
; ip number and netmask with the correct numbers for
; your ethernet interface.
 interfaces =
; If you want Samba to act as a wins server, please set
 wins support = yes
   wins support = yes

; If you want Samba to use an existing wins server,
; please uncomment the following line and replace
; the dummy with the wins server's ip number.
; wins server =

; Do you wan't samba to act as a logon-server for
; your windows 95/98 clients, so uncomment the
; following:
;logon script =%U.bat
; domain logons = no
 ;domain master = no
;path = /netlogon

   comment = Heimatverzeichnis
  browseable = yes
 browsable = yes
   read only = no
   create mode = 0750

; The following share gives all users access to the Server's CD drive,
; assuming it is mounted under /cd. To enable this share, please remove
; the semicolons before the lines
 comment = Linux CD-ROM
 path = /cd
   read only = yes
   locking = no

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = no
   printable = yes
   public = no
   read only = yes
   create mode = 0700
   directory = /tmp

[murat] ///murat adinda kullanici yarattim/////
        comment = new share to run Windows access
        browseable = yes
        public = yes
        read only = no
        path = /win_access //// linux box taki share dosyamin yeri////

Bunlara ek olarak win_access dosyami public hallini verdim.

we boylece. Win98,win2000 ve winME den map ediyorum

Umarim sana yardimim dokunmustur. Iyi Calismalar
Ismail Murat Dilek

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