[Gelistirici] Listeler ve geliştirici listesi dili

Gökmen Görgen gkmngrgn at gmail.com
23 Eki 2008 Per 03:12:48 EEST

2008/10/23 selim ok <selimok at gmail.com>

> Diyecegim o ki, cekirdek ekip cekirdek kalmasin, dallansin budaklansin,
> listeleri, gezegenleri sarsin, bugzilla'da tomurcuk acsin. :) Yerlisi de
> yabancisi da faydalansin.
> Saygilar, sevgiler,
> Selimler.

 Thanks to Selim for this description. And i want to call attention to this

Shortly, we need main developer's support. Maybe docs, maybe blog articles
and maybe our question's answers. If we don't find any answer for our
questions easily, this status shift to low speed the developing process.
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