[Gelistirici] MS inductive user interface guidelines'tan bir alıntı

Görkem Çetin gorkem at pardus.org.tr
14 Haz 2006 Çar 10:27:13 EEST


adresinden kısa bir alıntı.

İyi çalışmalar

      The problem: software is hard to use

Most software is too hard to use. This conclusion is drawn from 
usability testing, anecdotal evidence, and personal experiences of 
software designers. The concept of IUI was created by conducting 
research, making educated guesses as to what makes current software hard 
to use, and then proposing solutions. Designers of software that uses 
IUI, like all designers, should rely on customer satisfaction to 
determine the ultimate success of the design.

Most current software products are hard to use for the following general 

    * *Users don't seem to construct an adequate mental model of the
      product.* The interface design for most current software products
      assumes that users will understand a conceptual model that the
      designers carefully crafted. Unfortunately, most users don't seem
      to ever acquire a mental model that is thorough and accurate
      enough to guide their navigation. These users aren't dumb — they
      are just very busy and overloaded with information. They do not
      have the time, energy, or desire to wonder about a conceptual
      model for their software.
    * *Even many long-time users never master common procedures.*
      Designers know that new users may have trouble at first, but
      expect these problems to vanish as users learn common tasks.
      Usability data indicates this often doesn't happen. In one study,
      researchers set up automated equipment to videotape users at home.
      The tapes showed that users focusing on the task at hand do not
      necessarily notice the procedure they are following and do not
      learn from the experience. The next time users perform the same
      operation, they may stumble through it in exactly the same way.
    * *Users must work hard to figure out each feature or screen.* Most
      software products are designed for (the few) users who understand
      its conceptual model and have mastered common procedures. For the
      majority of customers, each feature or procedure is a frustrating,
      unwanted puzzle. Users might assume these puzzles are an
      unavoidable cost of using computers, but they would certainly be
      happier without this burden.

The best solution to these problems is to find a general strategy for 
making the features of software products more self-evident and 
self-explanatory. Users must be able to find a feature every time they 
need it, and must be able to use that feature every time they want to 
use it.

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