[linux-sohbet] Slackware 3.0


From: Emre Pars (emre@parstr.net)
Date: Mon 07 Jul 2003 - 23:30:29 EEST

  • Next message: Murat Gezer: "[linux-sohbet] gnome ve memory"

    Eski cdleri karistirirken walnut creek ten 1995 kasiminda aldigim bir
    cdyi buldum..
    Uzerinde yazanlardan bazilarini aktariim dedim..

    *Offical Linux Slackware Version 3.0 2disc set
     Includes Kernel 1.2.13 & 1.3.18

    *Slackware is heavy duty enough for mid-size busineses and departments
    but user friendly enough for home users
    Info World august 1995

    *Offical Slackware Linux requires 4 megabytes of memory (8
    recommended),and 12 megabytes of hardisk space

    *Among the leading Unix (world wide web) servers PC Magazine May 1995

    *You don't need to partition your hardisk -- you can install slackware
    on a ms-dos partition. For better performance,install slackware linux to
     your hard drive using 40 to 250 MB. A typical installation with C and
    C++ (v.2.7.0) development tools, emacs (v.19.29),networking with email
    and news the
    Xfree86 X window System (v.3.1.2) and several applications uses

    *Offical Slackware Linux turns your machine into a powerful 32 bit
    multi-tasking workstation.

    * The Internet's favorite 32-bit multiuser Operating System

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  • Next message: Murat Gezer: "[linux-sohbet] gnome ve memory"


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