[linux-network] Re: apache directory guvenligi


From: Keltos Kirpi (keltoskirpi@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue 23 Sep 2003 - 04:47:13 EDT

  • Next message: koray: "[linux-network] Re: internal modem"

    Yalcin Cekic wrote:
    > Selam,
    > Web server'daki bir dizin icin bazi IP'lere
    > izin verip digerleri icin username-password sormasini
    > nasil saglarim..
    > simdiden tesekkurler,
    > Y.C

    Apache /manual/howto/auth.html dosyasindan alinti.
    O civarlarda daha detay bulabilirsin.



    The Satisfy directive can be used to specify that several criteria may be
    considered when trying to decide if a particular user will be granted
    admission. Satisfy can take as an argument one of two options - all or any.
    By default, it is assumed that the value is all. This means that if several
    criteria are specified, then all of them must be met in order for someone to
    get in. However, if set to any, then several criteria may be specified, but
    if the user satisfies any of these, then they will be granted entrance.

    A very good example of this is using access control to assure that,
    although a resource is password protected from outside your network,
    all hosts inside the network will be given free access to the resource.
    This would be accomplished by using the Satisfy directive, as shown below.

    <Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/sekrit>
       AuthType Basic
       AuthName intranet
       AuthUserFile /www/passwd/users
       AuthGroupFile /www/passwd/groups
       Require group customers
       Allow from internal.com
       Satisfy any

    In this scenario, users will be let in if they either have a password,
    or if they are in the internal network.

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  • Next message: koray: "[linux-network] Re: internal modem"


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