[LINUX:5741] Re: find

Turan Yuksel (e109796@metu.edu.tr)
Mon, 3 May 1999 04:18:35 +0300 (EET DST)

On Sun, 2 May 1999, jEopardy wrote:

:find komutu ile 10mb den buyuk dosyalari nasil bulabilirim.?

find(1) der ki:


-size n[bckw]
File uses n units of space. The units are 512-byte
blocks by default or if `b' follows n, bytes if `c'
follows n, kilobytes if `k' follows n, or 2-byte
words if `w' follows n. The size does not count
indirect blocks, but it does count blocks in sparse
files that are not actually allocated.


-size n[bkcw]
Dosya n birim alan kullaniyor. Bir birim alan, arsayilan
olarak (ya da b kullanildiginda) 512-bayt'lik bloklar, k
kullanildiginda kilobayt'lar ya da w kullanildiginda
2-bayt'lik kelimelerdir. ........

kisacasi, yapmaniz gereken

find . -size 10240k

(1 M == 1024k)

-Turan Yuksel (e1097963@ceng.metu.edu.tr)

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