[LINUX:13327] Microsoft denies it will port its Office suite to Linux


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Subject: [LINUX:13327] Microsoft denies it will port its Office suite to Linux
Date: Tue 29 Feb 2000 - 13:18:43 EET

bu harbi komik ya:):))))))))))))

----Microsoft denies it will port its Office suite to Linux ---------

Following speculation that Microsoft is intent to port its Office suite
to Linux, the world's leading software company has flatly denied
any involvement with the open source phenomenon.

Openly proclaiming its distaste for the very idea of working with or
for Linux, a senior company representative told ZDNet that while
there may be a minority of those interested in the OS, Microsoft
wasn't one of them.

Responding to comments by LinuxCare executive vice president
Arthur F Tyde at Thursday's CeBIT show in Hannover, Jeremy
Gittins, senior product manager for desktop applications at Microsoft
said: "I can tell you quite definitely that we have not got any plans to
work with Linux, we've never had any plans like that." Asked if
there was any chance of there ever being a port of Office for the
Linux platform, recently cited by international analyst IDC as
catching NT in the server space, Gittins was clear: "No. We will
continue to develop for the best, most compelling operating system
environment available. That is Windows 2000."

Quizzed on whether the software giant might feel that creating a
Microsoft distribution of Linux could be a prudent move in the long
term, Gittins seemed almost indignant. "What you have to ask
yourself here is what the possible benefit would be. I really do
believe that competition is great, but I just don't understand the
proposition that they [LinuxCare] are making. What would the
benefit be?"

One source, who requested anonymity, told ZDNet on Friday, "Well
this is what you'd expect from the mighty M. What's laughable is
the tone of Gittins' remarks. Does he know that his master admitted
on TV less than a fortnight ago that Windows 2000 would cause
problems for 25 percent of its users? Oh, and there's those 60,000
or so bugs it ships with, for free. That is Windows 2000. We're
better off leaving Microsoft well alone."

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