FW: *** RH 6.1 WARNINGS ***


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Subject: FW: *** RH 6.1 WARNINGS ***
From: Ozan Ozkara (colony@istanbul.linux.org.tr)
Date: Mon 18 Oct 1999 - 10:12:48 EET DST

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-linux-admin@vger.rutgers.edu
[mailto:owner-linux-admin@vger.rutgers.edu]On Behalf Of Jim Gleason
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 10:33 PM
To: linux-admin
Subject: *** RH 6.1 WARNINGS ***

After using RH 6.1 in a controlled environment for a few days, I decided
to update my main server and this is what I learned...


     The ISOs you can download are NOT the same as the disk being
     shipped. When RH announced 6.1, a friend downloaded the ISOs
     and built a CD with them. We kept having problems so when I
     got my disk as a RH Member More member, we compared the
     contents and noted a lot of files are different. On the
     bright side, the disk RH shipped is a LOT cleaner than the
     ISOs downloaded.


     The first thing I noticed about RH 6.1 (both with the ISOs and
     the RH disk) was machines that have always correctly noted and
     handled my memory no longer knew how much memory I had. To
     fix this you modify /etc/lilo.conf (preferrably before
     upgrading otherwise you get to reboot) with the following line
     (with your memory size)added to both "image=" sections and
     then issue the "lilo" command to activate it.



     The next thing I noticed is that the results of "hostname" and
     "uname" now have my machine name as the FQDN. To fix this you
     issue the following command:

     hostname YOUR_HOST_NAME

     And then you modify "/etc/sysconfig/network" and set the
     "HOSTNAME=" to be the correct name for when you reboot next.


     The next thing I noticed is that my DNS (named) was no longer
     running. To fix this rename the "K45named" file in rc3.d,
     rc4.d, and rc5.d to "S55named". And then issue the following

     /etc/rc.d/init.d/named start


     The next thing I noticed was that my
     "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" file no longer had the
     <VirtualHost ...> information in it. To fix this copy the
     missing <VirtualHost...> information from the
     httpd.conf.rpmsave file created by the upgrade. Then issue
     the following command:

     /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd reload


     The next thing I noticed was that my "IP Aliases for Virtual
     Host" no longer worked. It turns out the scripts are broken
     and can't handle ranges of IP addresses (i.e. There amy also be other problems with it,
     I don't know. My fix for this may not have been the best, but
     I was running out of time. Anyway, my fix was to:

          1) Save the contents of the
          /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory (actually I
          jsut renamed it to

          2)Extract the contents of the
          /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory from my
          last backup.

          3) Copy the network-functions file from the new RH61
          distribution into the newly extracted directory.

          4) Issue the following command.

          /etc/rc.d/init/network restart

With these fixes in place, things seem to be running OK for now. I will
probably see more odds and ends when the customers see this on Monday.
If I find more, I will let you all know.

Jim Gleason
Site2Site Networking

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