Re: [LINUX:1106] ppp dial-up baglanti sorunu

Mustafa Karakaplan (
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 11:04:06 +0200


20 dk da Redhat5.0 kurup internete baglanmak mumkun.

Eger iss yi aradiktan sonra terminal geliyorsa. Asagida bir yerde PAP
secenegini customize etmek gerekiyor.

1. You must login as root, and then startx .
2. In RH5.0 , you select the Network Icon in the control panel.
3. Next, go to interface and ADD a PPP interface and configure
with the device=dev/tttyx
4. Setup your password and username and phone number (gerekliyse PAP kullan)
5. Once you are done, clone the interface PPP0, you have created.
6. Assuming, the new clone is PPP-clone, make it "Any user can
7. Exit X11, logout root
8. Login user
9. startx
10. in XTerm, type usernet (En güzel yeri burasi)
11. click on the PPP-clone interface to activate modem!
12. Done!!

Kolay gelsin

-----Original Message-----
From: kelaynak <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 1998 10:56 AM
Subject: [LINUX:1106] ppp dial-up baglanti sorunu

>Bende red hat 5.0 ve kernel 2.0.32 yuklu.
>Isp im sadece ppp baglantiya izin verdigi icin ben de ppp
>programi yukledim dial-up baglanti icin..
>Ama bi turlu baglanamiyorum.
>linux u kurup da internete baglanamamanin sikintisini tahmin edesiniz.
>Yardimlariniz icin simdiden tesekkurler
>ilkay demir