Re: Pentium Bug - Linux iCin bir kurtuluS Umidi.

Ozerk Alpay (
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 16:02:44 +0300

set6x86 -p 0xc1 -s 0x10

COzUmUnUn Pentium CPU'lu linux makinalarda pentium bug'I
OnlediGi yolundaki sOylentiler Simdilik doGru CIktI.
arkadaS makinasInda denemiS ve bug source'u etkisiz
kIlmIS. henUz maykroSaft CalSItIran makinalar iCin
COzUm var mI bilemiyorum.
Ustteki satIrI server'inizin rc.local (veya benzeri) bir
dosyasIna koymanIzI tavsiye ederim. ayrIca sisteminizde
bu bug'I kullanmaya CalISan insanlarI tesbit edebilmeniz
iCin aSSaGIda minik bir perl script var.


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# There is no known software fix to the F0 0F C7 C8 bug at this time

# usage: finddeath dir

# where dir is the directory you recursively look at all programs in
# for instances of the F0 0F C7 C8 sequence

# This script will search for programs with this sequence, which will
# help sysadmins take appropriate action against those running such
# programs

# This script is written (but has not been tested) in Perl4, to
# insure maximum compatibility

sub findit {
local($dir,$file,@files,$data) = @_;

undef $/;

if(!opendir(DIR,$dir)) {
print STDERR "Can not open $dir: $!\n";
return 0;


foreach $file (@files) {
if($file ne '.' && $file ne '..') {
if( -f "$dir/$file" && open(FILE,"< $dir/$file")) {
if($data =~ /\xf0\x0f\xc7\xc8/) {
print "$dir/$file contains F0 0F C7 C8\n";
} elsif( -d "$dir/$file") {


$dir = shift || '/home';


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Microsoft has decided to rename "Windows 98" to "Windows Diana" :

It is superficially attractive
Impossible to live with
Consumes masses of resources
Then it crashes.

Ozerk Alpay <>