[Pardus-kullanicilari] VirtualBox; Paylaþým ve Tam ekran srunu... ( Saðolsun MEB!)

Aydin Deniz Senler asenler at yahoo.com
17 Mar 2008 Pzt 13:32:20 EET

Atıf Bey ilginize teşekkür ederim.
Ancak ne yazık ki ortalık güllük gülistanlık değil. İnnotek bizim Pardus'u henüz bilmediğinden olacak, eklentileri tam kuramadığını kullanıcının kendisinin kurması gerektiğini belirtiyor.
Hatta tam metin aşağıda:

As our installer does not recognize your Linux distribution, we were unable to
set up the initialization script vboxadd correctly.  The script has been copied
copied to the /etc/init.d directory.  You should set up your system to start
it at system start, or start it manually before using VirtualBox.

If you would like to help us add support for your distribution, please open a
new ticket on http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Bugtracker.
As our installer does not recognize your Linux distribution, we were unable to
set up the initialization script vboxvfs correctly.  The script has been copied
copied to the /etc/init.d directory.  You should set up your system to start
it at system start, or start it manually before using VirtualBox.

If you would like to help us add support for your distribution, please open a
new ticket on http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Bugtracker.
As our installer does not recognize your Linux distribution, we were unable to
set up the initialization script vboxadd-timesync correctly.  The script has been copied
copied to the /etc/init.d directory.  You should set up your system to start
it at system start, or start it manually before using VirtualBox.

If you would like to help us add support for your distribution, please open a
new ticket on http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Bugtracker.
The shared clipboard service was not set up, as we do not know of a way to create
X Window System startup services on your distribution.  If you know
of a way to do this and wish to help us support your distribution, please
open a new ticket on http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Bugtracker.

To start the shared clipboard service at log in for a given user, add the command
98vboxadd-xclient to the file .xinitrc in their home directory.
Could not find or did not have permissions for the X Window System service
directory  to set up the shared clipboard service.
To start the shared clipboard service at log-in for a given user, add the command
98vboxadd-xclient to the file .xinitrc in their home directory.
Successfully installed the VirtualBox Guest Additions.
You must restart your guest system in order to complete the installation.

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