[Gelistirici] contrib svn 'si altındaki pisidepo ve 3rd_Party hakkında

Rajeev J Sebastian rajeev.sebastian at gmail.com
1 Ara 2006 Cum 19:01:37 EET

Hello Koray and all friends,

I'm sorry for creating all this confusion, on my part. I think other
pisidepo members are also carefully considering this confusion. But I
think what we said has been grossly misunderstood. We did *not*
advocate seperatism. We did *not* advocate 2 development teams. I
think you should understand that.

The original proposal was to merge 3rd_party and pisidepo. We said we
did not want that, because we consider pisidepo repo to be stable, and
that we consider 3rd party to consist of packages that may not be
maintained or is maintained by persons who do not wish involvement in
the community as such.

In other words, pisidepo was supposed to be the team of people who are
not core devels. *THATS ALL*. We did not mean, pisidepo is the team of
5 or 6 persons and that noone else can join it. In fact, even you are
a pisidepo member, even if you are also a core devel, simply because
you are a member of the community.

Imagine RedHat and Fedora. Imagine there was no "Fedora distro" and
instead Fedora group worked on RedHat OS directly. So, Fedora would be
the external contributors group. There is no need or possibility of
say "Bedora" or "SedHat" or some other group that comes and asks for
seperate repo, since any other such group would by definition be in
Fedora itself.

There was also some discussion that contrib/ exists to put those
packages that can not be placed into devel/. I dont know what that
means, so I am going to ignore it.

Did you read my latest message ? If you did, then I think I can dispel
any notion that
I or any pisidepo members have said about what you think is
"seperatism". I gave a suggestion to :

1) remove contrib/ repo.
2) create experimental/ repo.
3) move contrib/pisidepo/ packages to devel/
4) move 3rd-party packages to playground/ or experimental/
5) if an author of a package is in devel/, playground/ or
experimental/, then give him the privileges to maintain those packages
in that repo
6) have a policy of taking packages from experimental/ to playground/
to devel/ depending on the stability of the package. So experimental/
would be freshly packaged software, playground is tested packages and
devel would be the most stable packages.

After all, what is the meaning of "contrib/" repo when all
developers/contributors are part of the same development team, i.e.,
core devels ?

About double work, one pisidepo member has something to say on it. I
hope he will comment on it soon.

Finally, I humbly request the current core devels to please take some
action on this, so that we can put this behind us. Of course, if you
take some action, then there is no need for any discussions or
proliferation of misunderstandings :)

If there is a moderator for this list, I strongly request that this
thread be closed. It is useless to have this conversation which is
based on a misunderstanding, and especially because this is wasting
the time of all the devels who are preparing for the weekly release
and for 2007 RC. Without the OS, there is no community.

Rajeev J Sebastian

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