[linux-network] linux ile gprs bağlantıs ve internet


From: beylerli (beylerli@mynet.com)
Date: Thu 15 Jan 2004 - 14:11:55 EST

  • Next message: İsmail: "[linux-network] tvde linux haberleri [linux-sohbet]"

    linux-network@liste.linux.org.tr Ben knoppix ile GPRS üzerinden internete
    bağlanmaya çalıştım. Knoppix harddiskimde kurulu. Telefonum matorola c336.
    kppd de modem olarak tanıttım. Yani telefonumu linux tanıdı. Ama ben
    bağlantikuramadim. İnternetten gprs için bir sürü bilgi baktım. Forumlari
    araştırdım. Ama sorunu çözemedim. Üç tane paket kurdum. Ama aşağıdaki hata
    mesajını verdi..... sorunuma yardım edecek bir linux sever vardır herhalde.
    Şimdiden teşekkür ederim.


    root@aybasti:/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024# make test

    cd pTk &&make DEFINE=""

    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/pTk'

    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/pTk'

    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/pTk'

    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/pTk'

    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/pod'

    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/pod'

    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/demos'

    Unrecognized switch: --center (-h will show valid options).

    make[1]: *** [manifypods] Hata 29

    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/programlar/gprs/Tk800.024/demos'

    make: *** [subdirs] Hata 2



    root@aybasti:/usr/local/programlar/gprs# perl GPRS_Easy_Connect_131_Install


    GPRS Easy Connect v1.3.1's install program


    There is no PerlTk module installed on your computer!

    See www.easyconnect.linuxuser.hu for more information!


    Would you like to install a NON-GRAPHICAL (konsole) version of GPRS Easy
    Connect v1.3.1 (y/n)? y


    root@aybasti:/usr/local/programlar/gprs# perl GPRS_Easy_Connect_131_Install


    GPRS Easy Connect v1.3.1's install program


    There is no PerlTk module installed on your computer!

    See www.easyconnect.linuxuser.hu for more information!


    Would you like to install a NON-GRAPHICAL (konsole) version of GPRS Easy
    Connect v1.3.1 (y/n)?y


    Installing the konsole version of GPRS Easy Connect v1.3.1




    Are you sure of install GPRS Easy Connect?

    (The old version will be ERASED!) (y/n) y


    Install is in progress...

    shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
    directories: Böyle bir dosya ya da dizin yok


    The konsole mode has successfull installed!

    If you speak English just type"sg_en" or if you speak Hungarian type

    Press any key!



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