[linux-network] Re: Apache server ayarlari


From: tkaraman@ege.ebso.com.tr
Date: Tue 06 Jan 2004 - 09:36:33 EST

  • Next message: yildirims6: "[linux-network] apache + asp"

    localhost =E7al=FD=FE=FDrken web sayfalar=FDna eri=FEebiliyoruz.
    Evet proxy kullan=FDyoruz.
    apache error log:"
    [Tue Jan 06 16:23:32 2004] [notice] Digest: generating secret for diges=
    authentication ...
    [Tue Jan 06 16:23:32 2004] [notice] Digest: done
    [Tue Jan 06 16:23:33 2004] [notice] Apache/2.0.40 (Red Hat Linux)
    configured -- resuming normal operations
    sorun hala devam ediyor.

                        Genco YILMAZ =
                        <gyilmaz@genco.gen.tc> To: linux-=
    network@liste.linux.org.tr =20
                        Sent by: cc: =
                        linux-network-bounce@liste.li Subject: [=
    linux-network] Re: Apache server ayarlari =20
                        nux.org.tr =
                        06.01.2004 15:55 =
                        Please respond to =
                        linux-network =

    herhalde proxy kullaniyorsunuz boyle bir hata gelmis.
    apache'niz calismiyor buyuk olasilikla. httpd yi baslatirken bi sorun
    oldu mu ? apache error log ne soyluyor bu konu hakkinda ?

    iyi calismalar

    On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 tkaraman@ege.ebso.com.tr wrote:

    > =
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > Linux Redhat 9.0 kurdum. Redhat ile gelen http server=3DFD kullan=3D=
    > um. =3D20
    > Microsoft a=3DF0=3DFD =3DFCzerinden herhangi bir makinadan, browser=
    a =3D
    > =3D20
    > yazd=3DFD=3DF0=3DFDmda a=3DFEa=3DF0=3DFDdaki=
     gibi hata ver=3D
    > iyor. Linux =3D20
    > =3DFCzerindeki sayfalar=3DFDma eri=3DFEmem i=3DE7in ne yapmam gerek=
     ? =3D
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > turgay. =
    > =3D20
    > -------------------------- =
    > =3D20
    > While trying to retrieve the URL: =
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > The following error was encountered: =
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > Connection Failed =
    > =3D20
    > The system returned: =
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0(111) Connection refused =
    > =3D20
    > The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request agai=
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > =
    > =3D20
    > =3D

    Genco YILMAZ

  • Next message: yildirims6: "[linux-network] apache + asp"


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