[LINUX:27368] FW: reiserfs


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From: Murat SULUHAN (murat.suluhan@tesam.com.tr)
Date: Fri 20 Apr 2001 - 17:30:58 EEST


Meraklilar icin,


->Tips on reiserfs
->By Nicholas Petreley
->I decided to live dangerously last week and create a couple of reiserfs
->partitions on my primary Linux server. Reiserfs is a journaling file
->system that is purportedly more efficient at handling many small files
->than the de facto standard ext2fs file system and just as efficient as
->ext2fs in other cases.
->What I like most about reiserfs is that it recovers from things such as
->power failures extremely fast, since it doesn't have to perform the
->lengthy consistency checks required by ext2fs. Like many other
->journaling file systems (such as the one used in Windows 2000, I
->believe), reiserfs won't necessarily protect your data in the event of
->a power outage. But it will protect the consistency of the file system
->Now put down that keyboard if you're about to send me a flame for not
->using a UPS. I am using a UPS. In fact, I strongly suspect my UPS has
->actually been the source of some recent power outages. My PK
->Electronics Blackout Buster UPS and regulator decided to go funky on me
->last week. It turned off my server twice, and I think it blew up my
->Viewsonic P815 monitor with voltage spikes. I suspect the UPS because
->I've had no real power outages, and I've only had problems with the
->equipment plugged into the UPS. I replaced it with a UPS from Belkin,
->and everything has behaved normally since.
->Anyway, I reconfigured my server so that all my shared files for NFS
->and Samba are now on their own reiserfs partition. I put my CommuniGate
->pro mail directories on a reiserfs partition, too. My /var partition is
->also a reiserfs partition, which means my Squid Web cache now operates
->on reiserfs. I haven't done any benchmarks yet, but the performance of
->my Web cache and proxy seems to have improved dramatically since I put
->all its files on the reiserfs partition. There are supposedly Squid
->cache optimizations in reiserfs, so perhaps that's why I'm seeing
->noticeable results. Regardless, consider me a big fan of reiserfs so
->In fact, I like it so much that I converted a few of my client
->partitions to reiserfs. The only thing I haven't done yet is convert a
->root partition. I tried but have failed so far. The partition that I
->tried to convert is small, but it resides on a 40 GB hard drive. I
->noticed afterward in the FAQ that reiserfs has problems with IDE drives
->larger than 32 GB unless you apply a patch. Perhaps that is the problem
->I'm experiencing. I'll work on it and get back to you.
->The only other problem I've had is bizarre. I run the squidGuard
->redirector along with the Squid Web cache in order to block porn sites.
->(By the way, if you haven't looked at squidGuard, now is the time. It
->is one delightful piece of software! See Resources for link.) Due to a
->bug in one version of Squid, I needed Squid to launch the redirector by
->running a script file called /usr/bin/sguard that looks something like
->exec /usr/local/bin/squidGuard -c /etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf
->Everything worked fine until I converted /usr/local into a reiserfs
->partition. Then Squid stopped launching the squidGuard redirector. I
->made an identical copy of /usr/local on ext2fs and tried it again. It
->worked. I have no idea why I can't execute the file from /usr/local/bin
->if it is a reiserfs partition.
->I'd like to figure it out or get a word of advice from someone who
->works on reiserfs. But my interim solution was simple. I just copied
->the squidGuard program to the /usr/bin directory (which is ext2fs) and
->changed the script to run it from there. That way I get to
->keep /usr/local as a reiserfs partition and still avoid the problem.
->Installing reiserfs
->Some distributions include reiserfs as a module compiled into the
->kernel. In that case, you just need to make sure you have the reiserfs
->utilities installed and then issue the command modprobe reiserfs to
->load the module. After that, you're ready to format a partition as
->reiserfs and start using it.
->If you don't have reiserfs compiled into your kernel or available as a
->module, fear not. It is very easy to build reiserfs support into your
->kernel. Download and install the source code for the kernel of your
->choice (I am using the 2.2.17 kernel).
->Then download the reiserfs patch (see Resources for a link). Put the
->patch in your /usr/src directory or in the directory immediately above
->where you have your kernel source code.
->Before you take the next step, make sure that the path to the kernel
->source code is /usr/src/linux. If it isn't, then rename the kernel
->source code directory or create a symbolic link to provide that path.
->For example, the default Debian source code directory might be kernel-
->source-2.2.17. In that case, you want to create a symbolic link such as
->cd /usr/src; ln -s kernel-source-2.2.17 linux.
->Now apply the patch. Change to the /usr/src directory and use the
->command zcat linux-2.2.17-reiserfs-3.5.27-patch.gz | patch -p0 to apply
->the patch. If you hastily decompressed the file, then run the command
->patch -p0linux-2.2.17-reiserfs-3.5.27-patch instead.
->Now you need to configure your kernel. There are several ways to do
->that, but I prefer to change to the /usr/src/linux directory and run
->make menuconfig for that step. You'll need ncurses development
->libraries installed for that to work. If you're a hard core Linux user
->or want to become one, just run make config instead. You can also run
->make xconfig if you prefer a graphical configuration tool.
->You should notice a reiserfs option in the configuration process under
->the topic file systems now. Select it. I have reiserfs configured as a
->loadable module, since that makes it easier to fix any potential
->reiserfs problems in the future without having to recompile the whole
->kernel. There is another option to enable reiserfs internal checks.
->That option is really for debugging purposes, so I strongly recommend
->that you do not use it, since it will slow reiserfs' performance.
->If this is your first attempt at creating a custom kernel, you'll need
->to step through all the options and make sure your kernel supports
->everything you need for your system. It is way beyond the scope of this
->column to walk you through that process. I recommend reading the README
->file in the /usr/src/linux directory for instructions on how to
->configure and install your new kernel.
->Finally, you'll need to compile the reiserfs utilities and install
->them. It is a very simple process. Just change to
->the /usr/src/linux/fs/reiserfs/utils directory and run make dep; make;
->make install.
->Now create a partition that you want to format as reiserfs. Mark the
->partition as a Linux filesystem, the same way you would if you were
->about to create a standard ext2 filesystem. Assuming your new partition
->is /dev/hdb3, you would then run mkreiserfs /dev/hdb3 to format the
->partition. That process will overwrite any data you may have on that
->partition, so be sure you know what you're doing. Now mount the
->partition and get to work!
->About the author(s)
->Nicholas Petreley writes The Penguin Brief for LinuxWorld.com.

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