[LINUX:21134] Best Linux 2000 Release 3 with KDE 2.0 has been released today (fwd)


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From: LCF (ozan@cryptos.net)
Date: Fri 27 Oct 2000 - 08:46:05 EEST

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- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 02:46:57 +0300
From: Erno Räsänen <er@sot.com>
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.best, comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: Best Linux 2000 Release 3 with KDE 2.0 has been released today

Technology Center Hermia, Tampere, Finland - October 24, 2000

SOT, publisher of the leading Linux distirbution in Finland - the
home country of Linux and Linus - has today issued a new release
of its Best Linux Operating System for desktop and server
applications. The new release of Best Linux includes, in addition to
many other improvements, support for the Portuguese language,
improved sound card support, modem configuration, and the brand new
KDE 2.0 released yesterday.

With the newly released Best Linux, users can now also enjoy the
richness of multimedia, thanks to the inclusion of Netscape 4.75 with
Real Player and Macromedia Flash plug-ins. Best Linux also offers
levels of security with OpenSSH client and server software included.

"I am fascinated by the new KDE 2.0. The KDE technology, the fact
that KDE has never released unfinished or buggy products and the
promising new KOffice in many ways will enable us to support KDE even
more stongly. Thank you KDE developers, for a job well done!"
commented Mr. Santeri Kannisto, CTO, SOT.

The first Portuguese release is called Best Linux 2000 R3 - Rio de

Mr. Pedro Bueno, a SOT Software Engineer from Brazil, SOT said:
"The best thing about joining SOT, and the Best Linux team, is that
I really feel I am part of this extraordinary technology revolution,
the Linux revolution. Here at SOT we do our best to provide everyone
with an easy-to-use and powerful system. I am delighted that it is
now available to the Portuguese speaking community with the new
Best Linux 2000 Release 3".

Best Linux 2000 R3 also includes the new version 5.2 of Sun's popular
office suite, StarOffice(tm), together with new dictionaries and
spell checkers for some new languages supported by Best Linux.

All customers who have bought a boxed version of Best Linux
2000 are entitled to one free update CD after registering their
purchase. Additional information is available at the Best Linux
website, http://bestlinux.net

About Linux

Linux is a virus-free, co-operatively developed operating system
used worldwide. It was started by Mr. Linus Torvalds in Finland
in 1991. Applications of Linux vary from desktop use to fully
functional UNIX workstations and Internet servers. The difference
between Linux and other operating systems is that Linux is Open
Source software. Best Linux is developed and maintained under
GPL license and is available on the Internet with source code
free of charge.

About SOT Finnish Software Engineering Ltd.

Founded in 1991, SOT is based in Finland, where it makes the Best
Linux distribution. SOT counts among it's customers several of
Finland's largest companies. Working in cooperation with a global
team of research, academic, commercial and volunteer software
developers over the Internet, SOT's goal is to build an easier, more
advanced distribution of the Linux operating system that is suitable
for desktop and server applications. Along with the operating
system SOT offers Linux training, commercial support and
consulting services to customers exploiting the power of Linux.
SOT's own hardware manufacturing operations in Tampere, Finland
enable it to provide complete ready-to-use Linux based solutions.

LINUX is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. Best Linux is a registered
trademark of SOT. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun Logo, StarOffice
and StarOffice logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries, and
are used under license. All other names and trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.

Reviews encouraged.

Additional information:

Best Linux http://bestlinux.net
SOT http://www.sot.com

Contact Mr. Santeri Kannisto
                telephone +358 400 833 982
                fax +358 401 833 982
                email sk@sot.com

                SOT Finnish Software Engineering Ltd.
                Hermiankatu 8 E
                FIN-33720 TAMPERE

Press samples Mr. Erno Rasanen
                telephone +358 400 509 775
                e-mail er@sot.com

- --

- --
Mr. Erno Rasanen er@sot.com - tel.+358 3 316 5544
SOT Finnish Software Engineering Ltd. - fax +358 3 316 5959
Hermiankatu 8 E, FIN-33720 TAMPERE - http://www.sot.com/
FINLAND - http://bestlinux.net/
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