Linux-Announce Digest #461

imrana (
Fri, 23 Apr 99 13:30:36

Simdiye kadar kullanmamis varsa bi goz atsa iyi olur.


IglooFTP v0.6.1 ALPHA release

IglooFTP is a graphical and user friendly FTP client.
Its main goals are to be easy to use and intuitive when used
by novice, but powerful and fully configurable in the hand
of experienced users. It includes all the feature you may
expect as : intuitive user friendly interface, DRAG & DROP facilities,
graphical configurability, fast-connect bar, graphical
directories browser, tree hierarchical site manager, user profile
management, local and remote prompt command, advanced
FTP operations, Firewall support, file transfert resume,
Queue transferts, remote directories caching, remote file editing,
support of passive and non-passive data connection, anti-idle tool,
own text editor,own Netscape mini-toolbar, and a great appearance.

Changes :
Too much new features and bug fixes to be listed here,
so, for the braves, here is the ChangeLog [10k] :

More info, binaires and sources packages, as RPM
can be obtained at:


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