Ethernet karti sorunu

Varol Keskin (
Fri, 7 Nov 1997 13:00:41 +0200

Ege Universitesi Astronomi Bolum serveri olarak kullandigimiz bilgisayar
astronomy kernel: eth0: bogus packet size: 1, status=0x21, nxpg=0x60
gibi bir hata mesaji vererek kilitleniyor. Dolayisiyla reset etmek gerekiyor
ve bu da file system check yapilmasini gerektiriyor. Dokumanlari okudugumda
bu sorunun PCI makinalarda ISA memory devicelarla ilgili oldugunu yaziyor
asagidaki gibi :
> Problem: You get messages such as the following:
> eth0: bogus packet size: 65531, status=0xff, nxpg=0xff
> Reason: There is a shared memory problem.
>Solution: The most common reason for this is PCI machines that are not
>configured to map in ISA memory devices. Hence you end up reading the
>PC's RAM (all 0xff values) instead of the RAM on the card that
>contains the data from the received packet.
>Other typical problems that are easy to fix are board conflicts,
>having cache or Shadow ROM' enabled for that region, or running your
>ISA bus faster than 8Mhz. There are also a surprising number of memory
>failures on ethernet cards, so run a diagnostic program if you have
>one for your ethercard.

Cozumun bu memory bolgesi icin Shadow ROM'un enable yapilmasiyla olacagi
yaziyor ama bunun nasil yapilacagini bilmiyorum. Yardimlariniz icin
Varol Keskin
Ege University, Science Faculty, Tel: 90-232-3884000/1738
Astronomy & Space Sciences Department, Fax: 90-232-3881036
Bornova 35100, Izmir - TURKEY