[Gelistirici] sandbox

Gürer Özen gurer at pardus.org.tr
23 Mayıs 2008 Cum 11:44:09 EEST

Pisiyi sandbox dizinlerini /etc/pisi/sandbox.conf tan alacak şekilde 
yamaladım. Bakın uygunsa uygulayıverin efem :)
-------------- sonraki bölüm --------------
# This file contains valid path list for pisi sandbox
# and used in the build process to constrain actions.py inside
# the build directories

# Paths like /tmp allow writing to /tmp2/lala
# while /tmp/ only allows inside the /tmp directory
# ~ at the beginning of the path is replaced by pisi user's home directory

# Each package has its build directory (/var/pisi/pkgname) allowed by default
# And ccache directory is automatically added when that feature is enabled
# Any other extra path should be configured here

# Generic system paths needed by almost all programs
# stupid autoconf family needs /usr/lib/conftest* and /usr/lib/cf* for some conftest,
# http://sources.gentoo.org/viewcvs.py/portage/trunk/sandbox/files/sandbox/sandbox.c also permits these
# every qt/KDE application check these
-------------- sonraki bölüm --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: pisi-trunk-sandbox-conf.patch
Type: text/x-diff
Size: 3704 bytes
Desc: kullanılamıyor
URL: <http://liste.pardus.org.tr/gelistirici/attachments/20080523/b11dadfa/attachment.patch>

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