[Gelistirici] linux.com'da pardus yazisi

selim ok selimok at gmail.com
13 Ara 2007 Per 16:41:25 EET

13.12.2007 tarihinde Doruk Fisek <dfisek at fisek.com.tr> yazmış:
> Merhaba,
> Hala gormediyseniz,
> http://www.linux.com/feature/122576

Alinti: "All of this is a bit difficult for English users, because the
language used during installation isn't transferred to the installed system,
so the wizard appears in Turkish, but it isn't impossible to interpret,
given the graphical nature. To avoid this issue, you could use Ctrl-Alt-F2
to go to a terminal before you log into KDE, adjust your language in the
/etc/conf.d/mudur file, and reboot. English users, for example, would change
the first setting from language="tr" to language="en"."

Ben mi yanlis anladim bilmiyorum ama anladigim dogruysa feci bir hatadan
bahsetmis incelemeyi yazan kisi. Bu sorun pek ic acici gelmedi bana.

Kosmaya, calismaya devam :)


Özgürlük icin, özgür isletim sistemi... http://www.pardus.org.tr
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