[Gelistirici] [PATCH] perllocal.pod problemine toptan çözüm

A. Murat Eren meren at pardus.org.tr
23 Eki 2006 Pzt 00:23:43 EEST

On Sunday 22 October 2006 16:07, Gürer Özen wrote:
> Perlmodules api zaten yapıyor, kdebindings de kdetools yada autotools gibi
> bişi kullanıyorsa, oraya konur bu, genel build process içinde yeri yok
> bence.



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 A. Murat Eren
 Pub Key ID: 0x527D7293
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 Gnome seems to be developed by interface nazis,
 where consistently the excuse for not doing
 something is not "it's too complicated to do",
 but "it would confuse users" (Linus).
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