[linux-sohbet] SCO'nun durumu...


From: Görkem Çetin (gorkem@bahcesehir.edu.tr)
Date: Thu 04 Mar 2004 - 16:13:34 EST

  • Next message: Bulent Tatlidil: "[linux-sohbet] eleman"


    Sirasiyla okundugu zaman daha anlamli oluyor (once 9, sonra 10).
    Ozellikle 9'daki 'Decline and Fall' ilgi cekebilir.



    Iyi calismalar

    * * *

    Excuse me, did we say in Halloween IX that Microsoft's under-the-table
    payoff to SCO for attacking Linux was just eleven million dollars
    <http://www.opensource.org/halloween/halloween9.html>? Turns out we were
    off by an order of magnitude — it was much, much more than that.

    The document below was emailed to me by an anonymous whistleblower
    inside SCO. He tells me the typos and syntax bobbles were in the
    original. I could not, when I received it, certify its authenticity, but
    I presumed that IBM's, Red Hat's, Novell's, AutoZone's, and
    Daimler-Chryler's lawyers could subpoena the original. On March 4th SCO,
    within 24 hours of publication, I received word from Steven J. Vaughan
    at eWeek that SCO had confirmed that the memo is legitimate.

    Explanatory comments are interspersed in brown serif font (I changed
    this from green because of complaints from the colorblind). Particularly
    noteworthy bits of the original are in red.

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  • Next message: Bulent Tatlidil: "[linux-sohbet] eleman"


    Bu arsiv hypermail 2.1.6 tarafindan uretilmistir.