[linux-sohbet] Re: IBM, MS Office'i Linux'a geçiriyor mu?


From: Vasfi UYSAL (vasfi@med.ege.edu.tr)
Date: Mon 16 Feb 2004 - 01:21:18 EST

  • Next message: Bora Gungoren: "[linux-sohbet] Mart ayinda Ankara'da Linux Kullanici egitimi"

    Görkem Çetin wrote:

    >As part of its initiative to put Linux on the desktop, IBM Corp. wants
    >to migrate Microsoft Corp.'s Office suite to Linux. Microsoft said it's
    >not involved and suggests that IBM might do it by emulation.

    yukarda dendigi gibi bunu IBM sadece emulator yardimi ile yapabilir
    ki o da zaten su anda da IBM in herhangi bir yardimi olmadan crossover
    ile kullanilabiliyor

    Microsoft un IBM e MS office nin kaynak kodunu vermesi de bana hic olasi

    ornegin :

    >For several years, the Linux operating system has been part of IBM's
    >explicit strategy. So far, we've mostly seen server-side solutions. Now,
    >IBM is going for the desktop.
    >Many Linux users would prefer to run both Microsoft's Office suite and
    >IBM's Lotus Notes. This is actually possible, using so-called emulation.
    >Companies such as U.S.-based Codeweavers offer such products. But this
    >will not give you applications that are actually compiled for Linux.
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  • Next message: Bora Gungoren: "[linux-sohbet] Mart ayinda Ankara'da Linux Kullanici egitimi"


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