[linux-sohbet] Re: Eceli gelen Kopek Cami Duvarina isermis


From: info@teknobilge.com
Date: Thu 14 Aug 2003 - 21:21:23 EEST

  • Next message: ali@milliyetci.org: "[linux-sohbet] Re: Eceli gelen Kopek Cami Duvarina isermis"


    Keske ben de bu duruma gulup gecebilseydim...

    Diyorum size bu bir komplo, her turlu bilgi paylasimini, isbirligi
    icinde calismayi, tekelci buyuk yapilari tehdit edecek kadar kolay ve
    hizli bilgi urunleri gelistirmeye karsi her yasal (ve kimbilir belki de
    yasal olmayan) yol kullaniliyor...

    Bunun uzerine Avrupa'da da kabul edilmesine calistiklari "program ve
    algoritma"(yani dupeduz bariz fikirlerin ve bilginin) patentlenebilmesi

    E-ticaret fikirlerini patentlemis kanadali uyanik firmayi...

    Habeas'in e-mail gondermek icin "telif hakký" odemenmesini sart kosan
    "anti-spam" cozumunu...

    Hicbir telif hakli eserin her hangi bir sekilde kopyalanmasi icin
    kullanilabilecek donanimi yasaklayan DMCA yasalarini...

    ustuste koyun, bakalim ortaya ne cikacak?

    Yasal olarak kusatiliyoruz. Farkina varalim, uyanik olalim, tepki

    Bir dunya savasi cikarip "olaganustu kosullar" altinda istedikleri
    yasalari cikarabilseler, tam olacak... Cok ugrasti Amerika ama biraz
    gecikti. "Irak'ý uce boldum, ama petrole ben el koydum araplara,
    kurtlere falan nanik" deyince kýyameti (dunya savasini) koparmayi
    planliyorlar herhalde...

    www.eurolinux.org 'a bir goz atilmasini tavsiye ederim...

    Ben "paranoya" olmuþ olabilirim, ama plan su: Siyasi her turlu oyun ve
    rusvetle, acik kaynak yazilimi, giderek her turlu ozgur iletisimi yok
    etmek, ve tekelci, baskici bir "yeni dunya duzeni" kurmak... Kimin kimi
    duzecegini artik siz dusunun...

    Tanri bizi gozunu guc hirsi (power hunger) burumus tekellerden korusun.
    Gonullu yapici isbirliginin gucu (davut) global tekelleri (golyat) yensin.

    (Biraz fazla mi uctum? Dini/siyasi bir havasi mi oldu? Abarttiysam ozur
    dilerim... :) )

    Iyi calismalar,


    Sancar Saran wrote:

    >SCO to argue General Public Licence invalid
    > The wacky wacky world of corporate lawyers
    >By INQUIRER staff: Thursday 14 August 2003, 08:56
    >SCO WILL attempt to win its $3 billion case against IBM by arguing that the
    >General Public Licence (GPL) is invalid.
    > That's what a pleader at legal practice Boies Schiller and Flexner is telling
    >the Wall Street Journal today.
    > The GPL licence allows software and work derived from it to be copied by
    >anyone at no charge.
    > But according to today's WSJ, quoting lawyer Mark Heise, the GPL is
    >pre-empted by US federal copyright law.
    > How does that work then? According to Heise, federal law only lets people
    >make a single backup copy of software, and that makes the GPL void under US
    > Seems like a bloody flimsy argument to us, but in the topsy-turvy Alice in
    >Wonderland world of law, who knows what characters might suddenly turn into
    >wild cards?
    > In effect, Heise's argument seems to be that you have to have copyright on
    >software even if you insist that your software is not copyrighted. D'oh.
    >Of course GPL software is copyright and only public domain works, apparently,
    >lack copyright protection, maybe. The GPL specifically makes use of copyright
    >holders' authority to grant the right to copy authorisations.
    >Effectively, GPL does not remove the copyright of the original author, it
    >instead allows the work to be freely distributed as long as the distributions
    >and works derived from them are also made available under the licence.
    > If SCO's pleaders win this one, then surely it is guilty of massive copyright
    >infringement too? And if they do, then surely it must apply to BSD and Apache
    >style licences as well?
    > Has the whole world gone stark staring bonkers? [Yes. Ed.] µ
    > L'INQ

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