[linux-network] postfix kurulumu (fwd)


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From: Mustafa Akgul (akgul@Bilkent.EDU.TR)
Date: Mon 02 Dec 2002 - 10:07:14 EET

postfix listesinden bir mesaj:
Gunahi yazarin boynuna !

Mustafa Akgul
        Comments on This HOWTO
        Mon, 02 Dec 2002 02:03:56 GMT
        "Vladimir" <yokel4@iqara.net>

hi all
      any flames, suggestions, comments on this HOWTO would
be appreciated. Though this is nothing new (It's all out
there ;)). It is supposed to be a guide for ppl that are
new to Postfix.

Go To http://www.iqara.net
%%%%% metin

Cp db-4.0.14.tar.gz /tmp
Cd /tmp
Tar -zxvf db-4.0.14.tar.gz
Cd db-4.0.14
Cd dist
make install

OK so far so good. The database libraries are installed now. Now to
install postfix. You can download the latest version from
http://www.postfix.org or

The current version is 1.1.11

After the postfix package is downloaded.

Cp postfix-1.1.11.tar.gz /tmp
Cd /tmp
Tar -zxvf postfix-1.1.11.tar.gz
Cd postfix-1.1.11

Ok postfix is compiled now. Time to set it up now :).

First we have to setup a group called postdrop. The postfix mail system
runs with the GID of this group. Check that the GID of postdrop is
Groupadd postdrop

Next we will have to setup a user called postfix. Postfix will run with
this user?s UID. Make sure this user postfix has a unique UID and GID.
Useradd -m -d /dev/null -s /bin/false postfix

Note :- To keep the system safe and secure setup a account which has no
directory assigned. Some systems put the user to the / root directory if
a home directory is not specified. So we will specify a home directory
as /dev/null and a user should not be able to login as the user postfix
so we assign a shell to that user as /bin/false.
Make sure you don't have a entry of /bin/false in /etc/shells file.
Now you don't want to allow users to ftp as postfix too.
Add postfix to /etc/ftpusers.
You would probably want to lock this account so that no one can directly
log into the system using this account.

Passwd -l postfix

Ok now we have the user setup.

Now the user and group are setup it?s time to configure postfix.

Change to the postfix directory.
Cd /tmp/postfix-1.1.11
Make install

The make install command installs the postfix system and calls the
postfix-install script.
Postfix-install is a automated script that helps you install postfix.
The postfix-install script asks for a few parameters. Enter the
corresponding parameters and if you are not sure leave the default.
OK now the postfix system is Completely Installed.

Now you will need to setup aliases for the users. Edit the /etc/aliases
file appropriately.
Note :- if the /etc/aliases file does not exist, then copy the sample
aliases file that get installed with postfix.
Cp /etc/postfix/aliases /etc/aliases

Make sure that you have a entry in the /etc/aliases file that looks
something like this.
Root: <your-user-name>

It is a good practice to redirect all mails for root to a normal user.
Running attachments, etc in emails as root is potentially dangerous.

Next you will have to setup a hostname and a domain name for the postfix
mail server in /etc/postfix/main.cf.

Go to the Internet Host and Domain Names section in the main.cf file and
edit the myhostname entry to a appropriate value. This entry can be in
the form of hostname or hostname.top_level_domain_name

Myhostname = foobar.foo.com

Run the newaliases command to update the email aliases you just created.

Voila now the postfix system is installed and configured. You can start
the postfix system by running the command
Postfix start

You can test your new mail server by sending some mails.

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