[linux-baslangic] Re: elvis/vi-da bir komut sorusu


From: Görkem Çetin (gorkem@bahcesehir.edu.tr)
Date: Thu 22 Jan 2004 - 14:00:16 EST

  • Next message: Nilgün Belma Bugüner: "[linux-baslangic] Re: mozilla acilmiyor"

    yazicivo@itu.edu.tr wrote:

    >Quoting SULEYMAN AYDIN <saydin@anadolu.edu.tr>:
    >>SoruN: konsol'da 'vi' yazinca elvis calismiyor, illa da "elvis" yazilmasi
    >>gerekir.. 'vi' yazinca elvis'in calismasini nasil saglarim? [not:
    >>./configure; make; make clean komutlarini 'su' ile root'a gecerek yapmistim.
    >cat >> /etc/bash.bashrc
    ># ben tembel bir admin'im
    >alias vi="elvis"
    >>soru2: elvis/vi hexadecimal olarak find/replace yapabilir mi?
    >>':s/falanHex/filanHex/g' komutunu gormuyor!.. elvis/vi herseyi ascii
    >>karakter olarak mi goruyor?


    vim.org'daki FAQ kısmından bir bölüm...

    12. 31 How do I replace non-printable characters in a file?

    To replace a non-printable character, you have to first determine the ASCII
    value for the character. You can use the ":ascii" ex command or the "ga"
    normal-mode command to display the ASCII value of the character under the

    You can enter the non-printable character by entering CTRL-V followed by
    the decimal number 1-255 (with no leading zero), or by x and a hex number
    00-FF, or by an octal number 0-0377 (with leading zero), or by u and a hex
    number 0-FFFF, or by U and a hex number 0-7FFFFFFF

    Another alternative is to use the ":digraphs" ex command to display the
    digraphs for all characters, together with their value in decimal and
    alpha. You can enter a non-printable character by entering CTRL-K followed
    by two alphanumeric characters (a digraph).

    For more information, read

        :help :ascii
        :help i_CTRL-V
        :help i_CTRL-V_digit
        :help :digraphs

    İyi çalışmalar

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  • Next message: Nilgün Belma Bugüner: "[linux-baslangic] Re: mozilla acilmiyor"


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