[LINUX:4167] Re: Star Office Turkce Gercekci Cozum

Deniz Dogan (deniz@ada.net.tr)
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 22:09:39 +0200 (EET)

"Mustafa" == Mustafa BASER <bmustafa@obl.bilkent.edu.tr> writes:

Mustafa> formatindaki fontlara ihtiyacimiz var. Ne yazikki ttf ten bu
Mustafa> formatlara donusturen programlar cok dilli ttf fontlarini
Mustafa> donustururken sadece iso8859-1 karakterlerini aliyor. Yine bu

Tex (CTAN) arsivlerinde accfonts [*] programina bir goz atin...

Turkce desteginin hep acayip `hack'ler sekline olmasi cok can sikici
gercekten... Hic belge olmayisida...

[*] Readme'nin basindan:

These two programs address the same requirement using the same basic
algorithms: their aim is to make it easy to create versions of
existing fonts containing whatever accented characters the user may
need, arranged according to whatever encoding he/she may favour.
Mkt1font does this by reading in the two files that define a Type 1
PostScript font and writing out new versions of them; vpl2vpl does
it by reading in the file that defines a TeX virtual font and
writing out a new version of it. In each case information about what
accented characters are required and where they should be located is
supplied by means of a simple definition file, which has the same
format for both programs.

It is common to hear someone say, "I need a font containing
such-and-such special characters," when really they should be
saying, "I need a version of Times/Palatino/New Century Schoolbook
etc. containing the special characters for such-and-such a
language." If we are to take full advantage of computer typesetting
and desktop publishing, we need to be able to choose our fonts on
grounds of aesthetic merit rather than expediency, and to move
towards standardised encodings. These programs should go some way to
making this possible.

Iyi calismalar.

Deniz Dogan
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