[LINUX:3685] sendmail - genericstable fonksiyonunu sadece smtp mailer icin kullanma

Ahmet guven (guven@ges.net.tr)
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:39:53 +0200 (EET)

Arkadaslar merhaba

İnternet cikisi olan dahili bir bilgisayar aginda sendmail 8.9.1
Kullanicilarimizin hem internet hem intranet mail adresleri var. İnternet
mail adresleri
bir isp tarafindan saglanmis durumda. kullanicilar hem internet hem de
intranet accountlarina sahip ve outlook express kullanarak bu iki
hesaplarini da idare ediyorlar. Ancak bazen intranet hesabi aktif iken
internete mail gonderiyorlar- cogu zaman-. Biz de dahili mail sunucumuzun
internete mail atmasini saglayarak bunu onlemeye calistik .Fakat tabii
gonderen adresi olarak mailla intranet adresleri eleniyor. bunu engellemek
icin genericstable fonksiyonu gibi bir fonksiyon ariyoruz,
tabii sartimiz mail server adres donusturumunu eger mail disariya gidecekse
yapacak - yani smtp mailer calistiriliyorsa.

Umarim durumu izah edebilisimdir. Degerli fikirlerinizi bekliyorum

Saygilar ve sevgiler

-----Özgün İleti-----
Kimden: Gorkem Cetin <e077245@narwhal.cc.metu.edu.tr>
Kime: Multiple recipients of list <linux@bilkent.edu.tr>
Tarih: 15 Şubat 1999 Pazartesi 15:52
Konu: [LINUX:3633] [LF Announce] Linux Focus January 1999 issue (fwd)

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 20:18:12 +0000
>From: Jose Quesada <jquesada@umich.edu>
>To: linux-announce@sws1.ctd.ornl.gov, announce@linuxfocus.org,
> editors@linuxfocus.org, webmaster@linuxtoday.com, editor@lwn.net,
> malda@slashdot.org
>Subject: [LF Announce] Linux Focus January 1999 issue
>My name is Jose Quesada, and I am one of the contributing editors at
>Linux Focus. Following below is the announcement for our January 1999
>issue. We would be happy if you could post this information so that
>the Linux community may be informed of our latest issue.
>Jose Quesada
> L I N U X F O C U S M A G A Z I N E
> A Free online magazine about Linux
> http://www.linuxfocus.org
>Table of Contents
> An Autoguided Vehicle Based On Linux
> by Vicente Egea, Jorge Garrido, Roberto Guzmán, Ranko Zotovic
> File Access Permissions
> by Guido Socher
> "Happy Hackers" Keyboard
> by Miguel Angel Sepulveda
> Installation and Configuration of a RAID system
> by Antonio Castro
> Java. Part II
> by Jose Fernandez
> PG2CGI Access a Database from the Web
> by Luis Colorado
> LF in Hungarian
> Zoltan Vorosbaranyi <lf01@vbzo.li> wants to start a Hungarian
> LinuxFocus version. Anyone intertested on this new proyect please
> get in contact with hime
>LF first appeared in Nov. 1997. Our goal is to produce and publish a
>free online magazine on linux in a number of languages. At LF we
>believe that the best way to reach new ans younger users all over the
>world is by writting in their native language. Three languages are
>currently fully supported (all articles are available): English,
>French and Spanish. Other languages are still under development: Dutch,
>German, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, etc.. Look at our
>main website for an up to date list. All groups are opened for volunteers
>who wish to help with the production of the magazine. To subscribe to
>any of the list send a "subscribe mailing-list-name" to
>majordomo@linxufocus.org. Where mailing-list-name is any of the following:
> announce
> bulgarian
> castellano
> chinese
> deutsch
> dutch
> english
> francais
> italiano
> japanese
> korean
> portugues
> russian
> serbian
> turkce
> L I N U X F O C U S M A G A Z I N E
> A Free online magazine about Linux
> http://www.linuxfocus.org
> Editor-in-Chief Miguel Angel Sepulveda sepulveda@linuxfocus.org
> Managers of the national workgroups:
> Spanish Group Ismael Ripoll iripoll@linxfocus.org
> French Group Eric Santonaci eric@linuxfocus.org
> Chinese Group Penelope Marr marr@linuxfocus.org
> Korean Grop Lee Juho lee@linuxfocus.org
> Portuguese Group Andre C.O. Minelli minelli@linuxfocus.org
> Dutch Group Rowan Van Der Molen rowan@linuxfocus.org
> Listeden cikmak icin:
> unsub linux
> mesajini listeci@bilkent.edu.tr'a gonderiniz.
> Lutfen Listeci icin MIME / HTML / Turkce Aksan kullanmayin.
> Liste arsivinin adresi: http://listweb.bilkent.edu.tr/

Listeden cikmak icin:
unsub linux
mesajini listeci@bilkent.edu.tr'a gonderiniz.
Lutfen Listeci icin MIME / HTML / Turkce Aksan kullanmayin.
Liste arsivinin adresi: http://listweb.bilkent.edu.tr/