[Linux] Super bir yazi ... Bazi politikacilara ornek olsun...


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From: Tanju Aktuğ (aktugt@hipokrat.org)
Date: Sat 30 Jun 2001 - 11:13:52 EEST

Kisa ozet:

Arjantin'de Diego Saravia adinda bir yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklari
ogretim uyesi ogrencileri icin hazirladigi Ututo adini verdigi bir
dagitimi, GNU grubu ile birlikte Arjantin icin ulusal bir dagitim haline

Bu dagitimin yayginlasmasi ile 5 yil sonra Arjantin'de MS OS turlerinden
hic bir ornek kalmamasi hedeflenmis.

Zaten bir cok buyuk kurum linux kullaniyormus ve ayni zamanda politikaci
olan Saravia ile muhalif partiden Dragán adli politikaci ele ele
vererek, acik kaynak linux ve serbest yazilimin Arjantin gercegi olmasi
icin birlikte calisiyorlarmis.
ikili için orjinal ifadeyi bir de buraya kopyalayim:
"... Saravia and Dragán -- the liberal professor and the conservative
politician -- ..."

Tanju Aktug

orjinal için URL:

Yazi guzel oldugu icin text kopyasi:

Argentina Embraces the Penguin By Agustín d´Empaire
 10:40 a.m. May 11, 2001 PDT
BUENOS AIRES -- Salta is an Argentinean province located in the
country's northwest, a desert area near the Andes. Not surprisingly, no
penguins live there and most Salteños have never seen one before.
However, the penguin named Tux is starting to draw a lot of attention,
because a professor at the Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa) is
distributing the Linux OS -- whose mascot is Tux -- throughout this
The distribution is called Ututo, named for a fidgety local lizard that
pokes its nose into every hole and is never at rest.
Kind of like Diego Saravia.
Saravia, 36, teaches a postgraduate course in renewable energy sources.
Central to the course is a Linux-based electric circuit simulation tool
known as Sceptre. Saravia, and the other teachers in the program, say
it's important that their students be able to study at home using
Enter Ututo, Argentina's first attempt at Linux distribution, which
features the KDE graphics interface, the StarOffice office apps package
and, of course, Sceptre.
"It is not easy to install an operating system," Saravia said. "But
unlike other Linux distributions, Ututo does not require installation.
You only have to insert the CD into the driver, boot the PC, and Ututo
is running."
The ease of installing Ututo got Saravia thinking about its practical
applications outside the university.
The northwest is one of the poorest regions in Argentina. Fully 20
percent of the population is living in poverty, according to sociologist
Artemio López. It is an area ripe for high-quality, low-cost open-source
software, Saravia believes.
And, as an active member of the Frepaso (Frente País Solidario, one of
the political parties in the ruling Alliance), Saravia has been in a
position to do something about it. As head of the Department of
Environmental Policy in the regional capital of Ciudad de Salta, Saravia
saw to it that all computers ended up running Linux.
In fact, the installation of Linux at the Universidad de Salta and the
Department of Environmental Policy is no news here. The computers at the
Secretaría de la Gobernación, the Central Police Department and the
Catholic University -- the other significant educational institution in
the province -- already run Linux.
When Saravia and others started working on the Ututo project, they found
no Linux distribution to meet their requirements, which only encouraged
their efforts, Saravia said.
Saravia acknowledges receiving support from "giants' shoulders": Fully
90 percent of Ututo was developed by programmers who are part of the
worldwide GNU community.
"In five years time, no computer in Argentina will run Windows," Saravia
Others aren't so sure.
"It may well be that many kids are starting to install (Linux) in their
PCs, but it is far from occupying a prominent position in our country,"
said Alejandro Prince of Prince & Cooke, a local computer consulting
In Prince's view, there is no critical mass of people trained to provide
tech support, a fact that will delay any potential boom. "The only
settings where Linux could probably have its day are certain particular
niches, including education," he said.
Nevertheless, Saravia is finding support for his open-source campaign in
high, if unexpected, places.
Through his activities with the Free Way Foundation (Fundación Vía
Libre), Saravia has found himself allied with Marcelo Dragán, a
conservative deputy (roughly equivalent to a U.S. representative) who
has promoted a bill to regulate the use of free and open software
throughout governmental agencies in Argentina.
It's an odd situation for Saravia, since his Frepaso party has shared
power since 1999 as part of the Unión Cívica Radical coalition, making
him Dragán's political enemy.
Despite that, however, Saravia and Dragán -- the liberal professor and
the conservative politician -- are pushing hard to make open-source
Linux and free software the coin of the realm in Argentina.
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