Squid 2.2.STABLE3 available (fwd)

Mustafa Akgul (akgul@Bilkent.EDU.TR)
Thu, 20 May 1999 11:12:58 +0300 (EET DST)

squid.bilkent.edu.tr'den alabilirsiniz.

Mustafa Akgul

>Forwarded message:
>From squid-announce-request@ircache.net Wed May 19 20:02:27 1999
Resent-Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 09:57:35 -0700 (PDT)
X-Envelope-From: wessels@surf.scd.ucar.edu Wed May 19 09:20:18 1999
Message-Id: <199905191619.KAA07849@surf.ircache.net>
From: Duane Wessels <wessels@ircache.net>
To: squid-announce@ircache.net
Subject: Squid 2.2.STABLE3 available
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 10:19:45 -0600
Sender: wessels@ircache.net
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Changes since 2.2.STABLE3:

- Fixed preprocessor problems for HP-UX in lib/safe_inet_addr.c.
- Avoid coredump in aclMatchAcl() if someone tries to use
proxy authentication with a non-HTTP request (e.g. icp_access).
- Moved 'ident_lookup_access' in squid.conf so it appears
after the ACL section.
- Fixed typo in squid.conf on "Config.Addrs.snmp_outgoing"
- Fixed a case in clientCacheHit() where we thought it
was a hit, but the reply status was not 200, so we
had to perform a cache miss. We forgot to change the
log_type and these were being recorded as TCP_HIT's.
- Fixed a void pointer subtraction bug in delayIdPtrHashCmp().
- Fixed delay_pools coredump and memory leak bugs from
NULL delay_id values.
- Fixed a SEGV bug with delay_pools when requesting
'objects' or 'vm_objects' from the cachemgr.
- Added a workaround for buggy FTP servers that return
a size of zero for non-zero-sized objects.
- Removed umask(0) call from main().
- Fixed a peer selection bug that caused us to never select
a neighbor based on ICP replies if the ICP timeout occurs.
In conjunction with this, removed the PING_TIMEOUT state.
- Fixed a store_rebuild bug that caused us to get stuck trying
if a cache_dir subdirectory didn't exist.
- Fixed a buffer overrun bug in gb_to_str().

Please look for new bug reports and patches at this Web page:


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