ftp error

murat kasikcioglu (muratk@innovaconsulting.com)
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:00:25 +0300


diger sitelere ftp yapilabildigim halde yalniz bir siteye ftp
yapamiyorum. bilgisi olan var mi?
gonderdigi mesaj soyle:

__ __
\ \ / / ACCESS DENIED!!!!!
| || |
| || | !!! THIS IS A PROBLEM ON Y O U R SITE !!!
|_||_| There is nothing IDS can do to work it out.

Please ask your local system administrator or ISP for support and
tell him, that your DNS is not well configured. The so called PTR
records are missing.

As long as your DNS is not well configured, access will not be

Murat Kasikcioglu

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