Re: Apple and Open Source

imrana (
Sun, 21 Mar 99 09:51:23


i think it is worth pointing out here that the rapid bug-fixing and
development of features is merely a side-effect of this spirit of free
software. i.e. it is *because* we know that the software is free and can
never be taken away from us, and *because* we know we are contributing to
the common good that we are willing to volunteer our time and energy and
skills to improving free software.

without that security of knowledge, why should we bother? we would be
better off putting our time and energy into something which was truly
free than putting it into something which may be taken away from us in
the future.

free software is, IMO, an example of enlightened self-interest - we
are helping others by helping ourselves, and making an investment in
software "infrastructure" which will benefit us all for decades (or
more) to come.


craig sanders

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