[LINUX:2795] Re:

Deniz Dogan (deniz@ada.net.tr)
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:12:05 +0200 (EET)

"Burak" == Burak DAYIOGLU <burak@eti.cc.hun.edu.tr> writes:

Burak> FAQ'ya girmesi onerilen soru ve cevaplarin CGI'lar araciligi
Burak> ile toplanmasi fikrine sicak bakiyorum. Yazilimlari ben

faq-o-matic'e bir gozatin, tam bu ise gore gibi...

Package: faqomatic
Description: Online interactive FAQ cgi
Creates updateable web-based FAQs with CGI. It keeps cumulative statistics
about hits. Highly customizable to permit only those you choose to update
the FAQ, or to allow anyone to change it depending on your requirements.
It will also generate a cache of static pages if desired so that most
accesses to unchanging data will be served directly through your webserver
without the overhead of CGI.

Before you get in too deep, make sure you have the latest version
of the FAQ-O-Matic. Check the main website:


Especially the Administrators' Guide:


And check the FTP site for the most recent revision:


Iyi calismalar.

Deniz Dogan
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