[LINUX:2573] Lynx core dump verip duruyo

Selami AKSOY (selami@FliPPeR.BiTaV.Org.TR)
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 19:37:17 +0200 (EET)

selami~$ lynx http://www.gazi.edu.tr

A Fatal error has occurred in Lynx Ver. 2.8.1pre.9

Please notify your system administrator to confirm a bug, and
if confirmed, to notify the lynx-dev list. Bug reports should
have concise descriptions of the command and/or URL which causes
the problem, the operating system name with version number, the
TCPIP implementation, and any other relevant information.

Do NOT mail the core file if one was generated.

Lynx now exiting with signal: 11

Aborted (core dumped)

RedHat 5.2 de oluyo. Alet hiC biyere baGlanmIyo. Daha Once karSIlaSmIS
olan var mI acaba?

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