Re: [LINUX:1021] PostScript->Non PostScript Printer

Deniz Dogan (
18 Sep 1998 18:12:09 +0300

"Sezai" == Sezai YILMAZ <> writes:

Sezai> PostScript formatindaki dosyalari PostScript
Sezai> olmayan bir yaziciya nasil bastirtabilirim? Ornegin


ghostscript kullanabilirsiniz. Genel olarak bu isleri
kolaylastirmak icinde magicfilter.

Package: gs
Description: Postscript interpreter with X11 and svgalib preview support.
Ghostscript is used for postscript preview and printing. Usually as
a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display postscript
documents in an X11 environment. It can also use the Linux svga
library to display documents graphically on the Linux console.
Furthermore, it can render postscript files as graphics to be printed
on non-postscript printers. Supported printers include common
dot-matrix, inkjet and laser models.

Package: magicfilter
Description: automatic printer filter.
Magicfilter is a customizable, extensible automatic printer filter.
It uses its own magic database (a la file(1)) to decide how to print
out an given entry.

Iyi calismalar.

  Deniz Dogan