Re: [LINUX:200] redhat 5.1 ftp limit

Selami AKSOY (Selami.Aksoy@FliPPeR.BiTaV.Org.TR)
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 13:26:57 +0300 (EEST)

On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Sait Karalar wrote:

> Red Hat [ 5.1, kernel 2.0.34 ]
> FTP 'de anonymous useri nasil sinirlayabilirim!
> man ftpacccess 'e gore [ assagida limit kismi mevcut ]
> group1 diye bir class olusturup,
> asagidaki satiri /etc/ftpaccess dosyasina koydum. olmadi...
> limit group1 10 times /etc/ftplimited
> ~~~~~
> buradaki <times> yerine nasil bir sey gelmesi gerekiyor!?
> UUCP L.sys formatida ne olaki! :) bir L.sys dosyasi buldum Web den;
> icerigi asagida verilmis! ...
> simdiden tesekkurler...
> ---------------------ftpaccess limit ------------------------------
> limit <class> <n> <times> <message_file>
> Limit <class> to <n> users at times <times>, display-
> ing <message_file> if user is denied access. Limit
> check is performed at login time only. If multiple
> "limit" commands can apply to the current session,
> the first applicable one is used. Failing to define
> a valid limit, or a limit of -1, is equivalent to
> unlimited. <times> is in same format as the times in
> the UUCP L.sys file.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------- Ornek L.sys ---------------------------
> fdn Any DIR 38400 cufa \
> "" AT \
> OK~3-AT-OK~3 ATZ \
> OK~3 ATDTphonenumber \
> ogin:~10-CR-ogin:~5-BREAK-ogin:~3-BREAK-ogin:~3 loginname \
> ssword:~5 password
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------
> - ~ Sait Karalar \
> - Bimel LTD, Ankara |---->
> - Network Group /
> ---------------------

#/etc/ftpaccess dosyasI

loginfails 2
banner /etc/ftpbanner3

class local real,guest,anonymous *.domain
class remote real,guest,anonymous *

#local ve remote diye iki tane class tanImlanmIS

limit local 2 Any /etc/msgs/msg.toomany
limit remote 6 Any /etc/msgs/msg.toomany
limit remote 10 SaSu|Any1800-0600 /etc/msgs/msg.toomany

Bura da da locak class iCin herhangi bir zamanda 2 kullanIcIya kadar izin
verilmiS. remote iCin herhangi bir zaman iCin 6 kullanIcI izni var. Ancak
Cumarertesi ve Pazar gUnleriyle herhangi bir gUn iCin saat 18 ile sabah 6
arasInda limit 10.
Bunlar anonymous kullanIcIlar iCin limitler. real iCin bir limit
koyulamIyor bildiGim kadarIyla. Zaten gerek te yok sanIrIm.

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