Re: [LINUX:4129] perl ve cgi

Sait Karalar (
Mon, 3 Aug 1998 21:58:57 +0300 (EET DST)

Selam PERL de yazilmis ise;

cgi-bin de excetue dosyanin bulundugu yerde iken;

perl -w ./dosya_adi
ile hata uyarilarini alirsin;

bir de

strace -o output_file ./dosya_adi

ile tam olarak nerede takildigini.. neyi basari ile sonuclandiramadigini
TRACE edebilirsin..
iyi calismalar...

note: bazen ir hata mesaji almasanizda [ perl -w ./dosya ile ] yine bu
hatayi veriyor olabilir;

bu durumda en cok karsilasilan durum

# Print out a content-type for HTTP/1.0 compatibility
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

satirinin basta verilmemis olmamasidir...

iyi calismalar...

~ Sait Karalar
Bimel LTD, Ankara
Visit ""

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Burak Demircan wrote:

> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 21:00:12 +0300 (EET DST)
> From: Burak Demircan <>
> Reply-To:
> To: Multiple recipients of list <>
> Subject: [LINUX:4129] perl ve cgi
> selam,
> daha once de sorundan bahsettim fakat hala cozum bulamadim
> webten
> search.cgi yi calistirinca
> ---
> Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
> unable to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator,
> and inform them of the time the
> error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused
> the error.
> ---
> seklinde bir hata aliyorum
> dosyaya erisememe gibi birsey soz konsu degil cunku haklari 755
> zaten erisemediginde farkli bir hata veriyor
> web server logu ise soyle
> ----
> [Mon Aug 3 20:48:00 1998] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of
> /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin/search.cgi failed
> [Mon Aug 3 20:48:00 1998] [error] Premature end of script headers:
> /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin/search.cgi
> ----
> ama dosya orada yok demesine rahmen
> ve script in icerigi de asagidaki gibi (perl gercekten ilk satirdaki
> yerde ve script icinde gecen dosyalar da bahsi gecen yerlerde
> yani onlarda da sorun yok)
> birisi yardim ederse sevinirim
> delirtti beni bu perl
> saygi hormet
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #
> # search.cgi
> #
> # search engine script that can be set to search an entire site, but
> # exclude named directories, files, or files of a certain pattern.
> #
> # CGI Magic April 10th 1997
> #
> # version 1.01
> #
> # CHMOD this script 755
> #
> # this script is an adaption of the work of Gunther Brznieks, and adds
> # various pretty bits plus the ability to run a single search engine
> # and setup script from one place on the site, accessing it from
> # individual html forms, each of which can "hide" local unwanted files
> # from view.
> #
> # as always, this script is given to you free to use for whatever
> purpose
> # you wish, with the request that you email us at
> #
> #
> #
> # to let us know the url where you are using it, so we may learn from
> your
> # adaptions. By using this script you absolve the authors and their
> agents
> # from all liability for any damage actual or consequential that may
> arise
> # from its use.
> #
> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # --- set the path to the library files
> $lib = ".";
> # --- require
> require "$lib/";
> # --- require the setup file
> require "$lib/search.setup";
> # --- define the default self-reference to this script
> if ($search_script eq "")
> {
> $search_script = "search.cgi";
> }
> # --- get the essential cgi header from
> print &PrintHeader;
> # --- use to read and parse the incoming data
> &ReadParse;
> # --- set variables to incoming data values
> $keywords = $in{'keywords'};
> $exact_match = $in{'exact_match'};
> $hidden_files = $in{'hidden_files'};
> $user = $in{'user'};
> $html_url = $in{'html_url'};
> # --- the complete list of files that are NOT to be displayed in a
> search
> # --- is created by joining $hidden_files (data input) and $banned_files
> # --- as listed in the setup script
> $unwanted_files = ($hidden_files . "|" . $banned_files);
> # --- create an array called @unwanted_files by splitting incoming
> # --- keywords at the | delimiter
> @unwanted_files = split(/\|+/,$unwanted_files);
> # --- create an array called @keyword_list by splitting incoming
> # --- keywords at the word boundaries (\s+ splits on whitespace)
> @keyword_list = split(/\s+/,$keywords);
> # --- look at the incoming keywords, and if there are none, then output
> # --- a message telling the user that they must input one or more
> keywords
> if ($keywords eq "")
> {
> &PrintNoKeywordMessage($user);
> # --- exit the program to wait for a valid search form to be posted back
> exit;
> }
> # --- otherwise, if $keywords has keyword data, begin the search
> # --- for matching keywords. Use search.setup routines to print out the
> html
> &PrintHeaderHTML($user);
> # --- starting from $root_web_path, the search script looks down the
> whole
> # --- directory structure, parsing html files to find keywords, and also
> # --- to extract the page title for display if required.
> # --- now set up some initial variables. @dirs is used as a placeholder
> to
> # --- make it possible to return up the directory tree when all branches
> # --- have been searched. $cur_dir is the current directory that we are
> # --- in, and is referenced to the @dirs array. Directory handles are
> # --- straight ASCII, made up from 'DIR'+$cur_dir.
> $number_of_hits = 0;
> $cur_dir = 0;
> @dirs = ($root_web_path);
> opendir("DIR$cur_dir", $dirs[$cur_dir]);
> $end_of_all_files = 0;
> while (!($end_of_all_files))
> {
> # --- begin searching down to the next file level. If there are no more
> # --- files, then set $end_of_all_files to 1 to end the search process.
> while (1) {
> $filename = &GetNextEntry("DIR$cur_dir", $dirs[$cur_dir]);
> $fullpath = "$dirs[$cur_dir]/$filename";
> # --- First situation: no more files, but still some directory paths to
> # --- check, so continue
> if (!($filename) && $cur_dir > 0)
> {
> closedir("DIR$cur_dir");
> $cur_dir--;
> next;
> }
> # --- Second situation: no more files and no more directories, so end
> search
> if (!($filename))
> {
> closedir("DIR$cur_dir");
> $end_of_all_files = 1;
> last;
> }
> # --- Third situation: the file is a directory, so continue down through
> it
> # --- checking -d for directory, -r for read permission and -x for
> execute
> # --- permission
> if (-d $fullpath)
> {
> if (-r $fullpath && -x $fullpath)
> {
> $cur_dir++;
> $dirs[$cur_dir] = $fullpath;
> opendir("DIR$cur_dir", $dirs[$cur_dir]);
> next;
> }
> else
> {
> # --- otherwise if there are no read or execute permissions we continue
> down
> next;
> }
> }
> # --- Fourth situation: check to see whether the file is listed in the
> # --- unwanted file list. If it is, ignore it.
> $unwanted_file = 0;
> foreach (@unwanted_files)
> {
> if ($fullpath =~ /$_/)
> {
> $unwanted_file = 1;
> }
> }
> if ($unwanted_file)
> {
> next;
> }
> # --- Fifth situation: if we drop through to here, we have found a file
> # --- to search. Check that it is readable (-r).
> if (-r $fullpath)
> {
> last;
> }
> # --- and this is the end of the While (1) loop.
> }
> # --- now find the keywords we are looking for
> if (!($end_of_all_files))
> {
> # --- make an array @not_found_words which contains the keywords from
> # --- @keyword_list. If @not_found_words is empty, then all keywords
> # --- have been found.
> @not_found_words = @keyword_list;
> $are_we_in_head = 0;
> open(SEARCHFILE, $fullpath);
> $headline = "";
> while(<SEARCHFILE>)
> {
> $line = $_;
> $headline .= $line if ($are_we_in_head == 0);
> $are_we_in_head = 1
> if (($line =~ m!</head>!i) || ($line =~ m!</title>!i));
> &FindKeywords($exact_match, $line, *not_found_words);
> } # End of SEARCHFILE
> close (SEARCHFILE);
> if (@not_found_words < 1)
> {
> # --- get the <title></title> information
> $headline =~ s/\n/ /g;
> $headline =~ m!<title>(.*)</title>!i;
> $title = $1;
> if ($title eq "")
> {
> $title = "This Page Has No Title";
> }
> $fullpath =~ s!$root_web_path/!!;
> &PrintBodyHTML($fullpath, $title);
> $number_of_hits++;
> }
> }
> }
> # --- if there are no keywords found, print appropriate message
> if ($number_of_hits == 0)
> {
> &PrintNoHitsBodyHTML;
> }
> # --- and print the page footer including the number of hits
> &PrintFooterHTML($number_of_hits, $html_url);
> # --- subroutine to find the keywords ---------------------------------
> sub FindKeywords
> {
> local($exact_match, $line, *not_found_words) = @_;
> local($x, $match_word);
> if ($exact_match eq "on")
> {
> for ($x = @not_found_words; $x > 0; $x--)
> {
> # --- \b matches on a word boundary
> $match_word = $not_found_words[$x - 1];
> if ($line =~ /\b$match_word\b/i)
> {
> splice(@not_found_words,$x - 1, 1);
> }
> }
> }
> else
> {
> for ($x = @not_found_words; $x > 0; $x--)
> {
> $match_word = $not_found_words[$x - 1];
> if ($line =~ /$match_word/i)
> {
> splice(@not_found_words,$x - 1, 1);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> # --- subroutine to get the next entry --------------------------------
> sub GetNextEntry
> {
> local($dirhandle, $directory) = @_;
> while ($filename = readdir($dirhandle))
> {
> if (($filename =~ /htm.?/i) || (!($filename =~ /^\.\.?$/) &&
> -d "$directory/$filename")) {
> last;
> }
> }
> # --- filename will be true if it is a directory or a filename
> $filename;
> }
> # ---------------------------------------------------------------------