Re: [LINUX:3816] Re: Veritabani

Deniz Dogan (
21 Jul 1998 21:47:56 +0300


Bilgi Kuflu <> writes:

> Benim 2.0.33 Slackware'imde /usr/share varda altinda locale dizini yok..
> dagitimi hazirlayanlar ne der acaba ?? acsam locale dizini, koysam altina tr
> dosyalarini, dogal dil destegi calisirmi??

Asagida, sistemimdeki glibc belgelrinden buldugum bolum sanirim
sorunuza cevap veriyor:

POSIX locale descriptions
POSIX character set descriptions

Ulrich Drepper Time-stamp: <1997/06/04 01:36:26 drepper>

This add-on package contains the data needed to build the locale data
files to use the internationalization features of the GNU libc.

POSIX.2 describes the `localedef' utility which is part of the GNU libc.
You need this program to "compile" the locale description in a form
suitable for fast access by the GNU libc functions. Any compilation is
based on a given character set.

To use these data files you should add the name of this add-on
(localedata) to the list of add-on you specify while compiling the GNU

configure --enable-add-ons=...,localedata ...

where ... are the options you normally choose. Once you run `make
install' for the GNU libc the data files are automatically installed in
the right place, ready for use by the `localedef' program.

To compile the locale data files you simply have to decide which locale
(based on the location and the language) and which character set you
use. E.g., French speaking Canadians would use the locale `fr_CA' and
the character set `ISO_8859-1,1987'. Calling `localedef' to get the
desired data should happen like this:

localedef -i fr_CA -f ISO-8859-1 fr_CA

This will place the 6 output files in the appropriate directory where
the GNU libc functions can find them. Please note that you need
permission to write to this directory ($(prefix)/share/locale, where
$(prefix) is the value you specified while configuring GNU libc). If
you do not have the necessary permissions, you can write the files into an
arbitrary directory by giving a path including a '/' character instead
of `fr_CA'. E.g., to put the new files in a subdirectory of the
current directory simply use

localedef -i fr_CA -f ISO-8859-1 ./fr_CA

How to use these data files is described in the GNU libc manual,
especially in the section describing the `setlocale' function.


libc icin durum nedir bilen var mi?

Iyi calismalar.

Deniz Dogan