[LINUX:649] Re: Sorular 2- Ek

Deniz Yuret (deniz@ai.mit.edu)
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 12:55:24 -0500 (EST)

64 MB ustu memory gormek icin biseyler okumustum. Kendim denemedim
ama, http://www.fokus.gmd.de/linux/HOWTO/INFO-SHEET-3.html diyor ki:


Up to 1 GB on Intel; more on 64-bit platforms. Some people (including
Linus) have noted that adding ram without adding more cache at the
same time has slowed down their machine extremely, so if you add
memory and find your machine slower, try adding more cache. Some
machines can only cache certain amounts of memory regardless of how
much RAM is installed (64 MB is the most one popular chipset can
cache). Over 64 MB of memory will require a boot-time parameter, as
the BIOS cannot report more than 64MB, because it is ``broken as

>>>>> "Sait" == Sait Karalar <k-sait@hitit.bimel.com.tr> writes:

> Hayir - Hic normal degil - yani 64K ustunu gorur...

> Gormeyen linux mu! yoksa ilk basta RAM i tam saymiyormu...!

> - Bizim server 64 ustu - goruyor...
> - Acilista gecenleri SCROLL LOCK yapip, PgDown PgUp ile bakabilirsin...
> - Bir dosyaya atiyor mu! ?
> /etc/rc.d
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/ altini
> ve buradan gecis yapacaginiz "syslog" dosyasina bir goz atin
> man syslog yap
> + diger bulacagin log larida "man ..." yap...

> mesela...

> On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, eylul wrote:

>> Merhaba,
>> Unutmusum
>> 1. hem SlackWare hem RedHat 64M'ramden yukarisini goremiyor? Bu normal
>> mi? (98Mb Ram var)
>> 2. Birde Acilis sirasinda gecen bilgilerin yazildigi bir log dosyasi
>> gibi bir sey var mi?
>> --
>> Sevgiler,
>> Halil TAS
>> mail:eylul@null.net
>> http://www.homnet.com

> ~ Sait K. METU-CC
> Middle East Technical Univ. USG-ADV
> Department of Mathematics Consultant